Tê 茶

 (Emuy - Amoy)

Teh - Tea

Cangkir teh 茶杯 tê-au

Teko 茶壺 tê-kòan (tê-pân)

Teko 茶瓶 tê-kòan

Anyêñcêm 泡茶 phàu-tê

Anyêñcem 沖茶 chhiong-tê

Anyêñcem 泡茶 phàu-tê

Anyuntak teh 倒茶 thîn-tê

Teh godhong prêm 酸梅湯 bôe-á-tê

Teh ijo 綠茶 le̍k-tê

Teh kênthêl 紅茶 âng-tê

Sacangkir teh 一個茶杯 chi̍t tè tê-au

Angombe teh 喝茶 chia̍h tê

Ceret teh 茶壺 tê-oe

Godhong teh 茶葉 tê-bí

Sacangkir teh 一杯茶 chi̍t au tê

tea kettle 茶壺 tê-oe (tê-kó·)

Teh olyong/ulong 烏龍茶 o·-liông-tê

tea chests 茶箱 tê-siuⁿ

strong tea 濃茶 kāu-tê

Teh mlathi 香片 hiong-phìⁿ

Teh kembang 花茶 hoe-tê

Juru trêsna teh 愛喝茶的人 tê-kheh

Bêkakas teh 茶具 ,茶器 tê-kū (tê-khì)

Adicara teh 茶道 tê-tō

Teh pawcyong 包種茶 Pau-chióng-tê

Teh tamba 藥茶 io̍h-tê

Kebon teh 茶園 tê-hn̂g

Bêkas cêñcêman 茶滓子tê-bí-phoh

Amêthik godhong teh 採茶 chhái-tê (bán-tê)

tea ginger root 薑茶 kiuⁿ-bó-tê

Anyangan godhong teh 焙茶 pōe-tê

Teh'e wis cumêpak. 茶泡好了。Tê phàu hó à.

tea dealer's shop 茶莊 ,茶行 tê-bí-tiàm

Anyuntak / anyuguhi teh 倒茶 thîn-tê

stem of a tea leaf 茶葉中間線取下之小茶枝 tê-ki

Gêdhong teh,  sênthong teh 茶館 tê-kóan

Meja teh, gêdhong teh 茶桌 ,茶藝館 tê-toh-á

Sop daging, teh daging 牛肉湯 gû-bah-thng

Anyuguhi / anggawa teh marang dhayoh 端茶 phâng-tê

Anawani teh 請茶 chhíaⁿ-tê

Gêdhong kopi, gêdhong teh, pawedangan 咖啡館 ka-pi-kóan

Anggodhog banyu kanggo teh 燒茶 choaⁿ-tê

Pista teh 茶會 tê-hōe

Pista teh 茶會 tê-píaⁿ-hōe

Godhong tamba (teh lan kopi) 烘乾菸葉 pōe hun-á

tea industry, the tea trade 茶業 tê-gia̍p

Teh iki rasane lumayan. 這泡茶口感不錯 Chit phàu tê khùi-kháu bē bái.

thick dregs of medicinal tea 藥滓 io̍h-tái

Teh lan sop (paripangan banyon) 湯茶 (流質食物 )tê-thng

tea leaf container, tea caddy 茶葉罐 tê-bí kòan-á

Bekas cêñcêman 茶葉渣 tê-bí-phoh

Kig lan teh (sêgêr-sêgêr) 茶點 tê-tiám

tea tray, salver for a tea pot 茶盤 tê-pôaⁿ

Teh, tanduran teh 茶 tê (chhâ)

Tanduran teh 茶樹 tê-chhīu (tê-châng)

Angombe nalika isih amongah-mongah 趁熱喝 thàn-sio lim

Kasêlak teh 嗆到 tio̍h ka-cha̍k

The edge of the tea-cup is chipped. 茶杯破了一個缺口。Tê-au khih chi̍t khih (ū chi̍t khih)

Godhong teh 茶葉 tê-hio̍h

Amangan / anutulake panganan karo teh 配茶 phòe-tê

Kidung wong Kek nalika amêthiki teh 採茶歌 chhái-tê-koa

Kig kanggo teh (sêgêr-sêgêr) 茶點 tê-píaⁿ

real tea (as opposed to plain boiled water) 茶 tê-bí-tê

Teh saka glêpung sangan lan liyane 麵茶 mī-tê

Teh klengkeng 龍眼乾 lêng-géng-koaⁿ

Asêgêr-sêgêr, angombe teh karo kig, pangan'awan cilik 吃點心 chia̍h tiám-sim

Yen asêla, atêkaa mrene kanggo teh. 你若有空 ,請來寒舍奉茶。Chhíaⁿ lí nā ū sî-kan chiah lâi chháu-sìa hōng-tê.

Godhong teh asêgêr 剛採下之茶葉 tê-chheⁿ

taste or flavor comes out like in brewing tea 味透 chhut-bī

tea store, tea wholesale outlet, tea warehouse 茶行 tê-hâng

Congoran teko 茶壺嘴 ,陰莖頭 sui

Anglo teh 火爐 ,小爐子 hang-lô·

kind of cabbage with leaves shaped like a tea spoon 湯匙菜 ,青江菜 thng-sî-á-chhài

Teh ijo, asêgêr-sêgêr namung karo teh 清茶 chheng-tê

Abang teh 茶色 tê-sek

Anyuntak wedang panas, anyêñcêm 沖開水 chhiong kún-chúi

Anyuntak sithik saka congoraning wadhah 斟 ,倒 thîn

garden, orchard, (term applied to tea houses, theatres), see "hng"

oân (hn̂g)

knocked the tea cup off the table top onto to floor with his elbow


Toh-téng ê tê-poe e lo̍h-khì thô·-kha.

It is easier to bring out the flavor, if you make tea with boiling water.

用開水泡茶 ,味較易透。

E7ng kún-chúi phàu-tê khah ē chhut-bī.

I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be served tea by you (said to a superior).

讓你倒茶 ,真不敢當。

Hō· lí thîn tê, chin bē-kham-tit.

a small gift given to a prospective bride or a new bride on receiving a cup of tea

壓茶杯 (相親或結婚時給女孩或新娘的紅包 )

teh tê-au

small present given to a prospective bride or a new bride on receiving a cup of tea

壓茶盤 (給準新娘的紅包 )

teh tê-pôaⁿ (teh tê-au)

wash away, wash with running water, rise rapidly or shoot up, to infuse (as tea), clash with


He sweeps the floor after the guest arrives, He brews tea after the guest has departed. i.e. (he does everything too late)

客人來了才要掃地 ,客人走了才要泡茶。為時已晚

Lâng-kheh lâi chiah boeh sàu-tē, lâng-kheh tńg-khì chiah boeh choaⁿ-tê.

insipid, tasteless, flat, flavorless, weak or thin (liquids, tea, coffee), poor, dull (business, trade), light (color), slight lonely


This kid really bothers people, one minute he wants you to get him some cakes to eat, the next minute he wants you to get him some tea to drink.

這個小孩很會吵, 一下子吵著要吃餅, 一 下子又吵著要喝茶。

Chit ê gín-ná chin gâu chhá, liâm-piⁿ chhá boeh chia̍h píaⁿ, liâm-piⁿ chhá boeh lim tê.
